Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Wow how slack have I been?!?! Don't answer that... I apologise but I've been sorting stuffs out for the Kisschasy gig which was last Sat night.

Basically myself and 2 other wonderful people volunteered our time for Animals Australia Unleashed... totally worth it! Not only were we getting the facts out there & getting petitions signed, but we also got to meet and talk to Darren (lead singer) and watch them do their sound check (really loud in an empty night club!!)

Not only is Darren a fellow vegan, but he is also an ambassador for Animals Australia Unleashed. Basically he asked us to be there Saturday night and thanked US. Pfft puh-lease you let me come and see you gig, watch you set up, chat to you afterwards for FREE! I am thanking YOU!

Darren is a really nice down to earth rocker who hates disco music and drinks Jack Daniels. Add the fact that he loves animals to that and taa-dah a wonderful bloke.

Darren is the only vegan in the band, 2 others are vegetarians and the drummer is an omni O_o but I'm sure the other 3 will rub off on him eventually!!

Seeing these guys live in action has given me a new appreciation for their music.

It has also proved that hard rockers can still love fluffy animals to the point they refuse to eat anything to do with them!

If anyone is interested I have some left over little stickers that I got to hand out on Sat night. I have one that states "I love Animals", "Meat Stinks", "Fur Hurts", "Circus: Crying Shame" & "Why love one but eat the other?". If you want one or two drop me a line =) display them proudly on your school books, your lockers, your wallet, your diary, where ever one can stick them!! Or for $2 I have sticker sheets! 12 gorgeous stickers to stick everywhere!!!

Also in my left over goody bag from Sat night I have some wrist bands saying : "Cruelty Free" (in green) "Meat Free" (in blue) or "Stop Animal Testing" (in black)

I also have 3 shirts like the one I am wearing in the above photo for $25 (Men's S & L and a Ladies 12  -- I'm wearing a 14) I'm sure Unleashed won't mind if I sell these on :) If you are interested let me know and I will gladly pass these on and forward your mulahs back to Animals Australia. Every dollar raised goes back into the work they do for helping the animals!

Sorry this post wasn't an IN YOUR FACE one... but I thought I had better post something and what's a better topic than a vegan rocker?!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Cruelty Free Luxury

Basically I wanted to share this as I have been lazy on the blog front :P

Monday, October 5, 2009

Lucy the Pig

This clip makes me sad every time I watch it... but I thought it was an appropriate clip to follow on with from my last blog.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Save Babe

So I found myself this evening with 2 petitions in my hands in the middle of a shopping center asking people for a moment of their precious time. I am so thankful for the 200 odd people I managed to get to stop to sign both my petitions... and up yours to the assholes who "were too busy" walking to the food court to gorge themselves with crap food. 

I was acting on behalf of Animals Australia tonight. It was myself and a few others. One petition was to urge Hungry Jacks to go Free Range with their pork. The other will be sent to the House of Ministers urging them to ban sow stalls and crates immediately and to bring in a code of practice that protects these animals.

Did you know - if the harm you can cause a dog/cat and be sent to jail over was done on a pig in a factory farm, no one would bat an eyelid?! This is what is sooooo very wrong. This is what needs to change. 

Pregnant pigs are kept in stalls not much bigger than their bodies for pretty much most of their pregnancy of 16wks. See exhibit A to your right.

Once they have their babies they get put into an even smaller area. See exhibit B to your left.

This is so they don't roll onto their babies apparently. If they weren't in such stressful situations they most likely wouldn't do this in the first place. Did you know pigs make nests for their newborns?! They can't do this in a factory farm... they spend their lives laying on a concrete floor... no straw, no bedding, just concrete. Mmmm comfy. Why haven't 40 Winks bought out an equivalent mattress for us humans yet?!

Once mumma pig has had her piglets and they are 4wks old she is then impregnated again. Her hell cycle starts again. Did you know pigs can suffer from depression. If I lived like 87% of Australia's pig I'd be depressed too!

As for the piglets, they have their tails cut off and teeth ground down - all without pain killers. Oww you say? Damn right oww! 

Pigs are only "appreciated" (if you will call it that) while they are producing good litters. When this starts going down hill off to slaughter they go. This will most likely be the only time in her life she will feel the warm sun on her back (if it's not raining of course). This will be her only happy moment in her life before she becomes second grade bacon.

So please think twice before purchasing your pork, and other meat products... either A) Don't buy them at all! Pledge to be Veg! Or B) Don't buy factory farmed meat.

Check out Save Babe for more details.