So I found myself this evening with 2 petitions in my hands in the middle of a shopping center asking people for a moment of their precious time. I am so thankful for the 200 odd people I managed to get to stop to sign both my petitions... and up yours to the assholes who "were too busy" walking to the food court to gorge themselves with crap food.
I was acting on behalf of Animals Australia tonight. It was myself and a few others. One petition was to urge Hungry Jacks to go Free Range with their pork. The other will be sent to the House of Ministers urging them to ban sow stalls and crates immediately and to bring in a code of practice that protects these animals.
Did you know - if the harm you can cause a dog/cat and be sent to jail over was done on a pig in a factory farm, no one would bat an eyelid?! This is what is sooooo very wrong. This is what needs to change.

This is so they don't roll onto their babies apparently. If they weren't in such stressful situations they most likely wouldn't do this in the first place. Did you know pigs make nests for their newborns?! They can't do this in a factory farm... they spend their lives laying on a concrete floor... no straw, no bedding, just concrete. Mmmm comfy. Why haven't 40 Winks bought out an equivalent mattress for us humans yet?!
Once mumma pig has had her piglets and they are 4wks old she is then impregnated again. Her hell cycle starts again. Did you know pigs can suffer from depression. If I lived like 87% of Australia's pig I'd be depressed too!
As for the piglets, they have their tails cut off and teeth ground down - all without pain killers. Oww you say? Damn right oww!
Pigs are only "appreciated" (if you will call it that) while they are producing good litters. When this starts going down hill off to slaughter they go. This will most likely be the only time in her life she will feel the warm sun on her back (if it's not raining of course). This will be her only happy moment in her life before she becomes second grade bacon.
So please think twice before purchasing your pork, and other meat products... either A) Don't buy them at all! Pledge to be Veg! Or B) Don't buy factory farmed meat.
dude, you could totally fake my signature for me :B [just dont tell anyone lol]
ReplyDeleteI usually by-pass people at shops trying to sell me things but when it comes to animals i'd definately stop and sign/ donate. i still remember the guy outside Coles in Gatton who was from GreenPeace and got me so sign a Whaling petition- you know when all that heavy shit was going down about the Japanese [i love the Japanese people; just not everything they do] it was only after i signed it and was talking to him that he asked me if i was over 18. I lied. i was about 2 months off :B
Anyways im getting sidetracked.
This reminds me of that Jamie Oliver special that they had on tv a while back... OMFG. they totally marketed that towards vegans and vegos then... slaughtered a pig on the damned show. I found that quite distressing D: but they had about those stalls and stuff- it was the life cycle of a pig i think basically. [they they showed you how to cook it -________-U]
While i do enjoy my ham sandwiches when i'm not too lazy to make them for lunch, i don't really eat much pork- unless mum cooks it that is.
But yeah- my opinion of the whole MASS PRODUCTION thing sucks. Even if the poor things are destined to be eaten/ live their life to make babies they should at least have the freedom to move around. I sure know i wouldn't like to be trapped, all day every day >.<
You didn't lie when you told me you left me a rant lol. I like it :)
ReplyDeleteyou know how i get when im on a roll... LOL. OR passionate about something :B
ReplyDeleteGood on you for getting out there and doing that. Just put together an info package and letter to turn the school canteen free range...egg wise at least. Hopefully it will work! Maybe i'll do another petiton too!